This short video has been created from several hundreds of photos taken in the arctic pack ice north of Svalbard. Movements of the boat as well as changes in lighting do affect the quality of the video. Nevertheless, I believe that this short video can still share the fascination of the scenery, which we felt while watching this encounter.
A polar bear mom and her cub are curiously watching a pod of polar bears passing by. Interestingly, the female polar apparently smelled the arrival of the beluga whales several minutes ahead. She sniffed in the air, ran to this particular opening in the pack ice, followed by her curious cub. After a short while, the first Belugas appeared.
This video has been assembled from a series of more than 200 photos of the playing polar bear cub. Therefore, movements from the boat in the ice as well as light and perspective variations do affect the quality of the video and did require aligning and editing of the photos. Nevertheless, I believe that the video helps to share the joy and fascination, which we felt watching and observing the polar bear cub playing for hours in his natural playground.
Considering how fragile the Arctic ice region is, we can only hope that we all, humanity, will be able to change our behaviors in order to limit the global warming to protect the natural environment for our threatened animals. They are suffering from our greed to maximize our monetary profits just for the sake of eventually meaningless numbers on paper.